NEWS of Peak Horizons --
September 22, 2004 - Web Release - -
Peak Horizons announced today that 2 new entry level versions of their flagship product, PEAK II, have been introduced to the Low Power Cable Television market, and of the creation of a new Vendor Participation Program which seeks to establish working relationships with leading media automation insertion vendors. Also announce was the dramatic prices established for the new versions. This new versions feature major portions of PEAK II GOLD including the same solid scheduler with only some of the more multiple station geared features being removed. This is great news for potential new clients that have been searching for a Windows based professional software package to provide Time and Billing at an affordable price!!
March 15, 2004 - -
Peak Horizons LLC has recently completed the acquisition of the market rights to The PEAK II Computer Software System. Upon the Installation of the fifth active system, PEAK II has successfully completed the developmental beta program. With the completion of the four year R&D phase, The PEAK II System is accelerating the marketing effort with Incentive programs and new very competitive Lease / Purchase options. It is certain to become the new standard in Broadcast Television Software.
July 1, 2002 - -With the completion of the latest site installation , Peak Horizons, Inc. has made available for immediate release a new version of PEAK II. The advanced version provides for an working interface for linking PEAK II and Commercial Video Insertion Hardware from Adtec's Duet Inserter and Ad Systems Addige Inserter. Complete details have been posted to the company web site.
August 20, 2001 - -On 8/20/2001 at the Community Broadcasters Association convention (CBA 2001) in Reno, Nevada, Peak Horizons, Inc. proudly introduced PEAK II TV. A Custom Traffic, Billing and Content Management software package designed specifically for the Television Broadcaster with an emphasis on LPTV licensees. This new targeted product joins PEAK II ORE as the premiere broadcast software available to meet the challenges of the new millennium.
PEAK II is the latest offering of Peak Horizons, Inc., providers of specialized accounting software for the broadcast industry since 1980. PEAK II is a full-featured vertical market package targeting the broadcast industry with solutions in scheduling and inventory management known in the industry as "Traffic and Billing". PEAK II further extends the scope of this industry specific software to the ability to manage every situation from a stand alone station to a full network with Multiple Stations and multiple billing companies. Station operations can be combined or represented under a myriad of Company, Network, Group, Entity or Association. A unique new custom version has emerged with OTVE, a custom solution for Television Stations, providing an exciting new choice in the marketplace.
Innovative options that will be available include the integration of Palm Pilot V and VII devices for sales executives to manage accounts and enter orders. This will enable real time avails, order checking and scheduling and complete access over Palm Pilot VII based Internet type connection.
A task based TO-DO type management system to ensure management and performance will soon be offered, ready to integrate with the yet to be announced Windows XP. Immediate access to this "handy" little system will be incorporated into each major module in the entire product suite with each module generating "Tasks" that can be assigned and managed by that "one" responsible individual or by the whole "Team". That critical copy change will never get misplaced again!
PEAK II is a Windows NT/2000 based complete re-write of the original Peak System implementing new windows based technology and tools with advanced package features for multiple station capability and multiple user capability. This technology was not available at the time of the last version. PEAK II can even be configured to perform over the Internet.
The original Peak System has performed flawlessly in the DOS environment since 1982. The stability of the last version has simply been remarkable. It has been quietly performing daily at over 100 sites of Peak Horizons, Inc. since 1988. The newer Windows based PEAK II moves the original Peak System away from MSDOS. "If DOS would have been Y2K compliant, the original Peak System would have kept right on working until 2080" relates a company spokesman.
Existing users of the original Peak System will be offered very reasonable upgrade prices of the new PEAK II System and a conversion program will be offered that will convert virtually all of their existing data to the new database in less than an hour.
With the introduction of PEAK II, Peak Horizons, Inc. of Logan, Utah clearly reclaims its rightful place of revere for its long time users as new users alike
Information about the new PEAK II System can be secured from the Peak Horizons, Inc. web site at or by calling Brad Hillyard at (888) 599-8263 or by email
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